Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yesterday after school go home, then waited Amanda, Hui Fen and Yah Teng for their cca to end. we meet at compass, they accompany me go buy my mum present. After we bought the present we went to B1 cause they want to have meal at KFC but before we reach KFC i saw a la bi xiao xin cookie and i bought it, i only want the box not the cookie cause the cookie taste suckz then eat finish Hui Fen call mi the see the music book, see i like it anot. lol and i ask the music school how much is the school fee. very expensive =.= nevermind i have to learn by myself.... hope i can mastered the song called canon by johann pachelbel piano version ^.^..... today is the first day of hoilday...... this is the the first hoilday that i felt so boring -.- haixx 2 more months............... still a long way to go..... next year we are secondary 3 a senior so excited ...... THE END

11:26 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Embalmed in the catacombs of the Capuchin monastery in Palermo, the little Rosalia Lombardo was lying in her coffin. Born in 1918, Rosalia died of pneumonia at 2 years. Her father, consumed by grief, asked Alfredo Salafia, an embalmer deemed to maintain his body. The result is exceptional. Unlike neighboring two mummies that are empty and dry, Rosalia still has her real hair. Tied in a big knot of yellow silk, they come in pretty curls over her forehead. Her eyes are closed, her eyelashes intact. Rosalia looks almost like a child asleep in a car returning from a party. If she is alive now she is 92 years old!

For more information:
And more photos: go Google and research Rosalia Lombardo

6:21 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today got learning journey, we went to singapore oldiest temple and mos, quite boring cause primary 6 went before le heard them say the same thing and think of the memories when we primary 6 went there :DD when we reach a mos, there are alot of people got Japan, Korea and alot more. then we have to go to the tombstone have to walk on the grass then got alot of grasshopper, then don't know why keep hearing girls screaming here and there =.= grasshopper only..... they won't bite us or whatever have to scarem meh ? haixx then go home in the bus listen to music make me want to sleep more =.=zzz then take LRT...... buy things...... then go home.... THE END

11:17 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Today don't need to go school because the secondary 4 is taking their exam, so boring~~ nothing to do..... just now Yee Zhen call me i thought she want to ask me whether i today free anot go out with her but she said ''the LMS click sumbit then ok right?'' then i say "ya" then she say ''o i see ok bye bye'' =.=lll she call me only ask one question thn bye bye SAD ARH!!! tomorrow going learning journey so excited! hope i don't get angry hehe tomorrow must be very HIGH!!! then can play and laught like siao!!! monday i want give Sze Inn her Birthday present but i forgot to bring the present for her.... i still pass by the present more then 3 time =.= then i told her i wednesday then give her but wedneday we have learning journey so i sms told her thursday then give her lol keep changing...... thurday must give her if not have to wait next year then can give her the present. THE END

1:47 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, October 25, 2010

Yo!! today school early let us go home then pei shi ask me want to go out? then i say ok!! then also got Yee Zhen, Yah Teng, Hui Fen, Alicia and Amanda. lol so many people.... then when we reach compass Yah Teng don't know why she keep hiting Yee Zhen then i call Yah Teng Duck!! then she hit me then i say flying duck fly fly fly then she still hit me then i say violent duck she nothing to say means she admin lor VIOLENT DUCK!!! VIOLENT DUCK!!!! haixx now ducky little bit anyhow hit people one then little bit angry haix duck is like that one never mind see her small then let her do what she want to do and scared she cry.......LOL then we go kopitiam eat they all eat rice then pei shi and me eat french fries the counter girl so ah lian one felt like slapping her then pei shi order first then i order my fries..... then pei shi french fries come very fast then she eat first and said "cold cold one" the chief cannot heat the fries up meh ? but my fries is hot one hers is cold 1 then the chief go add the mayonnaise add alot then i eat the taste very....... never mind! next time don't buy food from that store.... then eat finish pei shi and me go first cause she have to reach home early then we go home lor...... the end

8:04 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Finally done finsh my blog, i'm going to use full english not singlish, must be a very good good girl :DD yesterday skip CCA with Pei Shi and Sze Inn, then i call Yee Zhen where is she, she say she waitng bus so i ask her want to wait for Pei Shi and me, she say ok! then when we reach compass we walk around and Yee Zhen say she bought Durian Pancake and is inside her bag then Pei Shi and me accompany her so we bought Durian Pancake also, Yee Zhen bought her pancake before we reach compass so she put it her bag,she tell pei shi don't hit her bag cause the Durian Pancake may spoil then the durian come out, then Pei Shi and Yee Zhen they play here and there and fight here and there then Pei Shi go hit Yee Zhen bag then Yee Zhen say ''OI my durian pancake'' then she blur blur look at me then i laugh luagh laugh, Yee Zhen expression was so cute and funny so i laugh out loud, then Yee zhen say ''very funny arh?'' i said ''very funny'' then keep laugh laugh laugh. then we bought our Durian pancake and we eat outside the Lift then Yee Zhen say her durian pancake the durian come out then cannot take out the pancake then i tell her to tear the paper, then she tear out the paper and the Durian pancake was like drop on the floor before then we keep laugh laugh laugh, we eat finsh we go walk around compass, then we take 159 go home. when i reach my buse stop i turn around and look and Yee Zhen she post like a superwomen..... such a fun day~~~ :DD

12:33 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

my blog is died once but now i'm going to start a new blog

7:28 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

You're the one






can you hear me?


Music Playlist at



link #

catch me.

  • October 2010
  • November 2010
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  • hopes
