Thursday, December 30, 2010

3 more days then school reopen le -.- have to wake up at 6am in the morning -.- sianx still haven buy finish all the books.......... they say this year got wushu sian =.= holiday so fast end................ nvm .......THE END

7:01 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, December 27, 2010

One more week then school reopen le don't know happy or sad......... everyday have to wake up so early like siao one i hate it!! waking up so early in the morning reach school still need to have check our nails and more then blah blah blah secondary school is so stirct time please fly faster and can finally leave that school :DD next year still got camp more sian -.- haix.......... i want to buy a Camera that is cheap and their battery can charge again haix hope wont over $200 i just saw a camera that i like the price is $155 and the brand is Nikkon is it good? or canon better? now saving money :DD............... THE END

12:10 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Back to Singapore :DD home sweet home can smell the fresh air finally :DD lol at Malaysia go see my uncle aunt then blah blah blah lazy to type :DD got alot of people there smoking hate the smell -.- lol well never mind I'm happy that i have go back to Malaysia cause i got the chance to see my aunt drive her car LOL the first day that she drive her car is the funniest the second time i sit in front with her :DD more excited :DD my aunt got 9 dogs it is suppose to have 10 but 1 dead T.T lol the baby dogs is so cute and naughty :DD and their neighbour pets is cat o.o......will nothing fun to say........ THE END :DD

4:45 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Saturday, December 18, 2010

today is elgin birthday but now at malaysia then suddenly nose bleed............. don't know why this few days keep nose bleed............. haix.................. now at malaysia nothing to do..... miss my laptop and piano..............THE END HAHAX BLAHHHHH BOOOMMMMM BAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:48 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

School going started soon :DD wanted to see all my friends but hate to wake up so early in the morning still haven buy books -.- first day of school then buy.......... haix..... yesterday go elgin birthday celebration go vivo walk here and there then amanda stomach pain then yahteng hand pain she say cause of elgin and 1 noobshit then i nose bleed........ sure don't have people believe us..... nevermind they don't believe their problem also not my problem chey nothing to say...... THE END

1:52 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday go out with Yah teng then go print booklist then buy drinks go merry go round around compass then meet Amanda go eat dinner :DD go eat subway then chat chat chat for a long time.............................................. Now thing be come more complicated very confused @.@ haix........ nevermind i don't care anyway -.-.......... THE END

7:26 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

You're the one






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catch me.

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