Saturday, March 26, 2011

last week we go ITE for some training or lesson, we had alot of fun! but all the thing that we have do is research and drawing ;DD but at least we had alot of fun, and thanks for our trainers Janson and Dawin!!!! tired from this 1 week so never play black shot DD; hope we can go to ITE again for some lesson :DD................. THE END

12:07 PM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sometimes I wonder what is humans, humans is someone that is selfish who never thoughts of others, u cannot judge the outside of them cause maybe u will end up hurting them........................... and u never know what's in the inside whether it is good or bad, to me inside is all bad.................. is just that they pretend on the outside that he/she is kind or whatsoever and inside of them is full of darkness..............humans is really something that is sickening......... always think that when they are not alone is OK...... but when others is alone u don care......... when someone believes in u so much u betray them so that u can have a better life..... u never care what happens to them............... maybe one day they will come and revenge on u.......... and u will end up begging for forgiveness.............but u never know how deep u have hurt them u just want to keep on living.............. when i see human pretending to be nice i felt so pissed cause one day their true colour will still show to u........ so its better not to believe in them so much........... this is what human beings are.................... (cruel, heartless, sickening)...................... THE END

12:49 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

back from camp on 11/3/2011
on friday i remembered the last thing i shout 'UMA SHAKA' with darren alex and yahteng :DD after tat we go to KFC to eat, and we go home :DD during camp the things that i cannot forget is jumping jacks and the toilets!!!!! we had 150 jumping jack DD: thats alot!!!!!!!! for people that never go to camp only do 80 jumping jack so lucky and the toilets is full of RED THINGS and is disgusting and at night we only have 2min to bath or lesser DD; At night during camp we still got alot of people shouting and screaming around like dogs no offence ;DD legs has be soak for hour cause of the rain and the water is still in my shoes DD; i had allegic and sore thorat DD; sad but finally camp is over now the problems is my march hoilday homework i cannot access to my account on LMS DD; and got water color potriat to finish DD; tired still haven recover from camp DD; i worte down all the things i have to do during this holidays total there is 10 things that i hav to do finish this holiday...... bored..... don felt like doing it............ THN END

3:53 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, March 3, 2011

seriously you think you very pretty? DISGURSTING LA only will care about youself _l_ then everyone to u is like shit please la do you really think that we wanted to be friend with you so much? we just don't want trouble so we don't say anything. you like to treat people like a shit then when you don't have any friend you will find them back. we are not your dog or your maid every one have different kind of things to do not everyone must be the same as you. you like to treat us like ur shit right ok fine i will treat you like a dog see who win _l_

3:32 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

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