Tuesday, May 31, 2011

school holiday has started.................. nothing to doooooooooo.......... i'm so bored................... i won't be going overseas.......... surfing the internet for some intresting shows XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but can't seen to find any show XDDDD.........................................nothing to say so...............THE END

1:18 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, May 30, 2011

today went to my form teacher house to BBQ and our new form teacher is also there XDDDDDDD we spend about 30 min to start the fire and the other one we spend 3 hours to start the fire but in the end we guve up XDDDDDDDDDDD but all of us try our best to start the fire but we fail again and again.............. but we manage to cook all the things in one place XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but we have forgotten the chicken wings so our form teacher take back and eat it herself i think so................XDDDDDD yue ting and me is mostly busying listening to music and chit chatting cause we don't talk much XDDDDDDDDDDDDD we talk about ourself our family and so on so on,our form teacher has 2 mouse or is it gunie pig ? well what i rembered is the VERY LONG tail............................... lol but they are so cute XDDDDDDDDDDDD well i quite enjoyed the fun today and it is tiring XDDDDDDDDD................. THE END...........

10:17 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Sunday, May 29, 2011

tomorrow is my form teacher's farewell party as you know she is resigning............ having headache now on what to buy for her farewell present i will go to the shopping mall to buy her a present but the problem is i don't know what to buy for her and what she likes.........oh my gosh what a bad student i am DD: I'm scared i may not be able to hold my tears and cry out loud.............. by the way we have a new form teacher..................... he's fierce guess we won't be having a good time till we graduate DD: i felt like my life has been shorten DD: holiday has started which means homework is buliding up DD: anyway everyone please enjoy you holiday cause after school reopens exams are comming DDD:..............THE END.........

5:48 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This week we will be having Elective modules and we will learn how to become a junior chef!!! sady cerna will be teaching us how to cook and he will judge us on our food XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD on the first day our points is 0 0minus1 the chef tell us to try harder and today we mange to cook our dishes out well XDDDDDDDDDDDDD but we didn't had much time to cook the Mac & Cheese.............. it's fun to cook for the whole day cause we don't need to study XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and we can relax our self after our exams................ the sad thing is our form teacher will be resigning OWWWWWW i will miss her alot cause she help our class to be more "mature" and lesser troubles are having in our class oh my god!!! i don't know what to give her for her farewell present DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD; what should i buy?................. but since last year alot of our teacher are leaving us, our ex form teacher, science teachers and alot more................... time really pass by quickly................ and soon we will be forgetting each other.................... THE END................

3:05 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Seriously i had enough already............................................. just because my brother is express class my mum is always doting him.................hello~~ i'm a human also and i'm still your daughter............... just because i'm from normal techincal that doesn't mean that i'm useless................. and i'm always the one carrying the heavy things and what about your son? taking things that even a kindergarden children can carry.................and the other time just because i never answer you phone you insulted me saying that i purposly never answer your phone call and i was scolded by you and when you beloved son never answer your phone call you just kindly ask him why he never answer your phone.................... i'm a human too i have feelings too doesn't mean that he is from express and he is a human that have feelings and doesn't have it _l_.........................................THE END...............

10:19 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, May 16, 2011

I wonder what will happen when i grow up? will i get a job that is what i wanted or will i get a job that is not my dream? will my salary be high or low? kind of worried about my future cause you never know what's gonna happen when you grow up :DD when i grow up everyone from my school will separate it maybe a bit sad but this is life we still have to move on. have you ever thought of your future? maybe you will think that it is too early to think about you future? but the coures or things that you choose will effect your job in future so quickly think what you wanna be when you grow up XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD..........................THE END.......

4:36 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tomorrow is my last exam CPA XDDDDDDDDDDDD finally i can relax abit.................. today is my first mid year ART exam felt really nervous cause i never had ART exam before well we are giving 3 hours to finish our finally art piece i manage to finish it at about 2 hours and 30 min the rest of the time i check my work and rest XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i was quite worried that i may not be able to make it in time XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD tomorrow exam ends at 9.30am and i can go home and rest early hope i pass my exam exspecially EBS cause i don't seem to understand what the questions is.............wish me good luck XDDDD...............THE END.....

5:41 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, May 9, 2011

Now is midnight 12.19am.............. I'm tired...... want to go to sleep but can't cause now I'm studying my mathematics.................. don't understand the map scales and the proportion...........arhhhh............. i need help on my maths........ i need to get at least 70+++ cause i want to be in the top 10.................... and i don't wan to drop my result can't open my eyes............ hope and i won't forget what i learn tonight beacause i'm to tired to concentrade >.< got to go back to my studies.......................THE END

9:18 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Sunday, May 1, 2011

sorry for the long post cause now I'm studying for my exams....... thanks for all your visit at my blog..... and the link that your give me i will check it out :DDDD thanks alot..... I'm unhappy with my aunt cause she is actually telling bad things about me to my mum which kind of pissed my mum cause my aunt her daughter which is my cousin, my cousin is actually giving weird rumors to her mum and thats why her mum is calling my mum and saying bad things about me................... well to say the truth my cousin has no proof and keep saying shit to her mum.... and my uncle actually believe her and keep scolding me -.- which he find a counseller for me what the fuck i have not done anything wrong............ tsk tsk tsk not happy at me just come and find me don't need to find my mum, my mum is busy..... quite irrtating......... THE END

9:01 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

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