Friday, September 16, 2011

Wahahahhahahahahahha have not post anything for a long time............again :)) well to the mean point, i fail my maths....49.2.................................................. -.- almost passed my maths T.T but i done quite good in my other result, well nevermind now my end of year exam are coming i must did really do well in it to be able to caught up with the others, the reuslt thart i worried the most is Art and Maths its hard to pass well but i still have to try my best, well recently my close friends is having family problem.................................i dont know how to help her since is her family problem not mine i scared that will she find mi busybody if i ask to much ..................................................i wan to grow up faster............. so that i can have the strength to be able to help people and of cause i will aim for helping more people in the future,...........................THE END

4:30 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sorry that i didn't update my blog for a long time
but i have a story that i created and i wanted to share it to everyone of you
There was a boy who was really scared of being alone, and one day he met a bird and make friends with the bird, but when the bird is trying to go home the boy stopped the bird and grab it really tightly because he is scared to be alone again so he thought of keeping the bird by his side so that he will not be alone again, but the bird was suffering because the boy was holding it too tightly on it and the bird cant breath, in the end the bird died .the boy regret for being so selfish, instead of thinking on others he only think of himself.

This story is telling us not be selfish and always thought of others instead of thinking youself only.

7:55 AM; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

You're the one






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catch me.

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